The municipality has sustained a steady decline in population since the 1950s when 6,122 people lived in Bø.
Whitney Gravel's income has sustained the couple since 1998.
Lindros will not be in uniform because he has sustained his eighth concussion since 1998.
Seventy-three percent said it would take at least three years to recover losses sustained since the peak of the bull market in early 2000.
Chrebet is believed to have sustained at least five concussions and two cases of post-traumatic migraines since college.
This part of Willapa Bay has sustained our ancestors since the beginning.
He says the current combination of low inflation and unemployment with steady growth is one that no other Administration has sustained since the 1960's.
Truthfully, there wasn't much else that had sustained me during the past four years, not since Isabella's death.
"It goes without saying that the socio-economic system that has sustained Japan for the last 50 years since the war is now showing its limits."
This is an appealing idea - one that has sustained film comedies at least since the Depression.