The division saw much combat and sustained heavy casualties, particularly at the Battle of Metz.
Attacks, even if successful, often sustained severe casualties as a matter of course.
White's brigade was composed of green regiments and sustained heavy casualties in this, their first engagement ever.
They failed in the conflict and sustained heavy casualties from tropical disease.
In an advance across 600 yards of flooded no-man's land, the British sustained 2,700 casualties.
On 26 June small Soviet forces tried to break out from the siege but were unsuccessful and sustained heavy casualties.
She acted as a hospital ship and sustained casualties, losing nearly a quarter of the crew.
During the battle Irresistible sustained casualties of five killed and 14 wounded.
The French sustained heavy casualties in the action, while the numbers of American dead and wounded were low.
The British sustained approximately 4,000 casualties - much more than the medical units could cope with.