In Malaysia, the World Bank estimates that trees are being cut down at 4 times the sustainable rate.
That level - known as the natural or sustainable rate - is determined by labour market policies.
How low is the sustainable rate of unemployment, and can monetary and fiscal policies maintain it or push it even lower?
The group was not totally opposed to the logging but wished to see it done at a sustainable rate.
Employee numbers are coming down by '15 per cent a year on a sustainable rate' to match rival manufacturers' manning levels.
Issues of concern in recent elections have included maintaining urban development at a sustainable rate, and ensuring the water supply in the area.
Is this just a wrenching slowdown to a more sustainable rate of growth after several boom years?
And it can do so at very low, sustainable rates of interest.
"Now stocks are beginning to anticipate the result of the rising interest rates, which is a slower but more sustainable rate of growth in the economy."
Whether these factors alone will be sufficient to hold economic growth to a sustainable rate of 2.5 percent next year remains to be seen.