Officials in Beijing have been trying to cut what they see as unneeded investment projects and reduce growth to a more sustainable pace.
"Based on their comments over the last couple of weeks, the Fed believes the economy is still moving ahead at a sustainable pace," he added.
Private economists differ on the likelihood that China will be able to brake its economy gently to a more sustainable pace.
Economic growth has rebounded strongly in the current quarter but appears likely to moderate to a more sustainable pace.
He ran after them, not fast, but keeping to a sustainable pace.
The economy boomed in the spring but it may now be easing to a more sustainable pace, according to new figures issued today.
"I see it moderating from a robust to a sustainable pace."
He settled in to work at a steady, sustainable pace.
"These numbers, combined with other recent evidence, indicate that the economy is poised to move ahead at a sustainable pace."
But, he added, "it seems reasonable to expect that economic growth will moderate to a more sustainable pace as the year progresses."