Since the tree is beautiful and useful, calls are being made to plant trees near communities that use them, so that sustainable harvesting of the tree can be accomplished.
With effective management of water and sustainable harvesting of populations of native wildlife, Angas Downs could become a significant location for conservation in central Australia.
Aker BioMarine received the award for "strategically investing more than $550 million to build out the krill supply chain in the Antarctic with a long-term focus on sustainable harvesting".
Years of Exploitation Fisheries experts say that as far as they know, there has been no sustainable harvesting of sea cucumbers for at least 50 years.
It will also manage sustainable harvesting of fur-bearing animals and develop tourism opportunities, while prohibiting mining, forestry, and hydro-electric development.
Plans instruct the sustainable harvesting and replacement of trees.
As with similar butterfly ranching programs in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, sustainable harvesting may also provide wealth to remote communities with few other sources of legitimate income.
He is well known for his work on the evolution of fish life histories and on the collapse, recovery, and sustainable harvesting of marine fishes.
Hutchings' best known scientific contributions pertain to his work on the collapse, recovery, and sustainable harvesting of marine fishes.
He said he buys hardwoods from growers who practice sustainable harvesting.