Sustainable Seattle is acknowledged as a world-leader in sustainability indicators based on citizens' values and goals for their communities.
For the first decade of its existence, it focused on creating regional sustainability indicators through grass roots activism.
Is there a Correct way of establishing sustainability indicators?
The core of the verification system contains a filter based on a series of exclusion criteria, as well as a group of sustainability indicators.
In using sustainability indicators, it is important to distinguish between three types of sustainability that are often mentioned in international development:
Societal (R)esponses (policy guided by sustainability indicators) can be introduced at any stage of this sequence of events.
A sustainability index is an aggregate sustainability indicator that combines multiple sources of data.
A notable essay on sustainability indicators by Paul-Marie Boulanger appeared in the first issue.
The key sustainability indicators are pension system deficit and e.g. implicit debt of the pension system.
Over and above this, all the documents address the need to define sustainability indicators and to formulate a more comprehensive strategy for each sector.