This past year GNM has made significant progress towards achieving the sustainability goals it set itself.
The same can be said about access to safe water, a key indicator for the environmental sustainability goal.
The selection of HCL was partly based on broad sustainability goals and not just energy efficiency.
But, he said, "The goal all along is a sustainability goal.
Green performance contracting can be used to achieve sustainability goals in new building design and construction as well as in existing buildings.
Be open to independent and external auditing of their performance to ensure close adherence to corporate social responsibility and sustainability goals.
No assessment is made of actual company performance in implementing their sustainability goals.
The world needs a new economic philosophy to meet sustainability goals.
Despite these ambitious sustainability goals, the company doesn't have a concrete plan yet and pursues a trial-and-error strategy.
He is also a founder of The Robertsbridge Group which provides advice to major companies on how best to meet ambitious sustainability goals.