If the auditee is not a going concern, it means that the entity might not be able to sustain itself within the next twelve months.
The 1st Battalion sustained just over 600 casualties within the first two days, out of a total of just over 1000 men that had landed.
Although it was believed to have been destroyed centuries earlier, the Tyannans' technology proved capable of sustaining them within the center of the vortex.
Each hospital is set up to become fully self sustaining within 5 years of service.
Specifically, the threshold host density (N) of a species refers to the minimum concentration of individuals necessary to sustain a given disease within a population.
It could sustain itself only within shadows and dark spots, never within light.
Tinker at the edges as we may, we cannot sustain earth's life-support systems within the present economic system.
"No colonies or planets capable of sustaining life within two light-years."
But this...science couldn't even explain what the barrier was, let alone how that mysterious energy could sustain itself within an ordinary humanoid brain.