In today's information age, business leaders continually emphasize that a college-educated work force is critical to sustaining national progress and prosperity.
Between 2002 and 2008, forty-one million people were able to sustain enough progress to no longer be characterized as poverty but with the current Global recession, this number has decreased by nine million.
The question is whether the American military has enough soldiers to expand even as it tries to sustain progress in the first neighborhoods secured.
But he said most of the rise would have to be in the undeveloped world, where economic progress might not sustain such progress.
In an age where power and influence depend increasingly on knowledge, citizens and their leaders must rely more on wits than weapons to sustain global progress.
Finally, Washington must sponsor regular Indian-Pakistani diplomatic sessions that sustain progress toward these points of conflict resolution.
Acting as a key promoter-facilitator in the community's efforts towards self-reliance and empowerment, SVYM is developing local, innovative and cost-effective solutions to sustain community-driven progress.
The dialogue on migration is making good progress and there are no indications that cooperation will not sustain progress in future.
Plan B is a way of sustaining economic progress worldwide, an alternative to continuing environmental deterioration and eventual economic decline.
It provides a plan for sustaining economic progress worldwide.