Sustainable agriculture seeks to assure a continued supply of food within the ecological, economic and social limits required to sustain production in the long term.
Timely government regulation has played a role in sustaining domestic production.
"But it will clean out inventories and sustain production when it was at risk of significant cuts."
If production is then reduced, he says, there will be enough timber growth to sustain production indefinitely.
This has been enabled in the form of incentives to farmers to sustain production with due care for quality and marketing facilities.
Keynesians believe that free markets do not necessarily produce enough purchasing power to sustain production and employment.
The tactic helped sustain production and keep the Oshawa plant running, but it didn't make the car more popular.
Over the long term, they can't sustain such high production.
But it has climbed back as traders have come to understand that in the near term, Iraq cannot sustain robust production.
All of them were dry or failed to sustain production.