Ecosystem science is also used to restore degraded landscapes and freshwater systems, sustain plants and animals, and find means to adapt management to global change.
The flatter parts of the islands sustain semi-desert plants while the higher lands have arid shrubland.
The fresh and salt water mix sustains microscopic plants and animals that in turn sustain finfish, shellfish and wildlife.
There are several types of lighting units which can sustain indoor plants, Fluorescent, Halide or Diode.
International The plunge in the value of Mexico's peso will help sustain foreign-owned plants along the border.
And if treated with proper respect, the Earth will sustain its people, plants and animals much longer than is now assumed.
Aeroponic system refers to hardware and system components assembled to sustain plants in an air culture.
"New York used to be too cold and cloudy to sustain subtropical plants, but now, if we provide a little protection, the climate change is allowing us to grow them."
The flowage was constructed as a reservoir to augment river flows and sustain hydroelectric plants operated downstream by electric utilities and paper mills.
The hilly areas known as lomas such as Lachay, get enough mist to sustain plants, shrubs, insects and hummingbirds.