The economy cannot stabilise in a high equilibrium that can sustain full employment without the injection of debt.
Labor-saving technology does typically lead to falling product prices, which sometimes stimulates sales enough to sustain or increase employment.
The plaintiffs said that definition should be expanded to include the skills needed to "sustain competitive employment."
One study has shown that one-third of at-risk children grow into competent adults who are able to sustain employment and relationships.
There is no way that we can sustain high employment unless we are competitive in inflation levels.
Is the Chancellor worried that we are not sustaining high employment?
But the country's capacity to sustain high employment with stable prices results largely from broad trends beyond the immediate control of policy.
Keynesians believe that free markets do not necessarily produce enough purchasing power to sustain production and employment.
If the exchange rate is set too low, the aggregate money supply will be too small to sustain economic growth and high employment.
A reduction in companies tax on retained profits of small businesses is thus recommended as an effective measure for sustaining and increasing employment.