Nevertheless, like the cities of the pre-industrial era, modern industry-based urban areas were mechanisms for sustaining human contact.
Russians were the first non-Indians with whom the Pomo had sustained contact.
The first Europeans to have sustained contact with the Delaware were Dutch explorers and traders, and loan words from Dutch are particularly common.
The first non-Aboriginal people to visit and have sustained contact with Aboriginal people in northern Australia were the Macassans from Sulawesi and other parts of the Indonesian archipelago.
He felt isolated, as if the chemfets, unable to sustain normal contact with the city, were idly traveling through his bloodstream to no useful purpose.
From a psychoanalytic point of view," he writes, "the way we construct our defenses tends to suggest that we unconsciously invite, or sustain contact with, whatever we fear.
People living in border regions should be able to sustain traditional contact without having to face excessive administrative obstacles.
Yet there is little evidence in the book that he had sustained contact with Chinese people.
A parasite is an organism that has sustained contact with another organism to the detriment of the host organism.
In order to sustain direct contact with the Serbian government, the so-called Provisional Bulgarian Command was established on the initiative of Rakovski.