Armed with the M1, US infantrymen were able to sustain a much higher rate of fire than their Chinese counterparts.
The 15 cm guns could sustain a rate of fire of 4 to 5 rounds per minute, and stored 120 shells per gun.
The weapon's disadvantage was the long time it took to reload a launcher, in contrast to conventional guns which could sustain a continuous low rate of fire.
Such a firebox could sustain a rate of steam generation to meet any demands of the locomotive's cylinders, even at high speed.
Most had carried modern Soviet assault rifles, as well as a large quantity of ammunition, which allowed them to sustain a high rate of fire.
The MG 131 fired electrically primed ammunition in order to sustain a high rate of fire when shooting through the propeller disc of a single-engined fighter.
"Show us how you are going to sustain a rate of growth approaching that of the industry, and we will give you a higher multiple."
The guns could sustain a rate of fire of approximately 15 rounds per minute.
This also allows them to sustain a higher metabolic rate than most equivalent weight mammals.
Their calculations suggest the workforce could have sustained a rate of 180 blocks per hour (3 blocks/minute) with ten-hour work days for putting each individual block in place.