Charlie makes a suspicious call to her mother and piques Georgina's interest, who gives her her number.
Aldwych hung up abruptly, as if still suspicious his call was being taped.
She had not betrayed him to the authorities, but confided in a friend that her 'refugee' had been making suspicious calls and discussing plans to escape with visitors.
Hawkins convinces Gray that he is an undercover FBI agent who was dispatched to Jericho to investigate suspicious calls from a pay telephone in the area during the weeks before the attack.
We could log in the time suspicious calls arrived and trace the callers through our monthly bills.
In short, low sentences, Clyde stated that Goldy Tancred had received a suspicious call, which involved the name of Hobbs.
"Any of them make suspicious calls?"
He may have been questioned for making a suspicious late-night call from a public phone at a suburban mall or, as a boy, for flagrantly riding his new bike on his own street.
If consumers receive a bill that contains any suspicious calls, they should call or write their telephone company immediately to have the bill adjusted and to alert the company to the problem.
On occasion, she has turned off the phone after a suspicious call.