While the events depicted in the episode are fictional, they reflect suspicions and beliefs held by a number of people regarding the true circumstances surrounding Dr. King's death.
In February 1917, a German-born Canadian soldier deserted to the German side and helped confirm many of the suspicions held by the Germans, providing them with a great deal of useful information.
The eyes were veiled by that native suspicion all desert folk held for strangers.
That leaves Russia's Strategic Forces in control of nuclear arms, confirming suspicions long held by Ukraine.
He passed the 11-plus and at Carlisle Grammar School excelled at English, confirming his own suspicion, held from an early age, that he would become a professional writer.
The Shadow had seen the justification of the suspicions held by Senhor Dario and Doctor Antone.
This confirmed the suspicions held by the vigilantes and they soon arrested Plummer.
To deal with that suspicion held by pro-choicers, Democratic leader Tom Daschle sought to head off the bill outlawing the abhorrent procedure with an unexpected alternative.
The situation brings out deep-rooted suspicions held by many New Jerseyans that their state is taking more than its fair share of the New York region's ills.
It also raised charges of a double standard, bolstering suspicions held by some that Mr. Dinkins favored black New Yorkers over other ethnic groups.