The administration then suspended thirteen officers and ultimately touched off a two-day police strike.
The Detroit Police Department suspended 10 officers for defying an order to cease a high-speed chase that ended in death.
In the last three years, according to police statistics, the department has suspended 162 officers without pay for domestic violence, and fired 13.
The initiative began after the public safety department suspended seven officers in East Texas for racial insensitivity.
On September 16, 2005, O'Toole demoted the police superintendent who was in charge the night of the shooting to captain and suspended two officers.
He also suspended four white officers and one black sergeant who are believed to have seen the beating.
While Commissioner O'Toole demoted one superintendent and suspended two officers involved in the incident, no prosecution or dismissal was brought against any officer in the case.
The state government has declared the strike illegal and suspended more than 150 officers.
The cleanup included suspending two air-defense officers who ran the Crimean training exercise from which the missile strayed 150 miles and struck a jet carrying 78.