The suspect in the fare-evasion case also went before the grand jury, which heard evidence between April 12 and 20.
The official charged that some officers would let suspects go if they knew people on the force.
And as far as suspects go, why not try the phone hook?
I'm expecting my man to contact me when our suspect goes to ground.
"Yes, but ninety-nine times out of a hundred, a suspect is going to say they didn't do it."
These suspects are going to be totally alienated after that, and there's nothing we can do about it.
He saw the wall and hesitated, thinking that his suspect must surely have gone over it already.
Given that, our suspects are going to have to find someone who at least exhibits symptomology.
It is here that the three suspects lived with their families, went to school together and played together on a local soccer team.
Not all such suspects go onto the freeze list, since the intelligence community can use financial transactions as a means of tracking them.