Even the Stones are impressed by their ability to do what many other rock stars and bands could not: physically survive the 60's and 70's.
Making fire is recognized in the sources as significantly increasing the ability to survive physically and mentally.
I wondered if Lucifer, overdesigned though it was, could physically survive in Venus's thick, hot atmosphere for a month.
Physically survives, mentally and emotionally survives with complete social deprivation.
In other films, adds Kaminsky, religion is seen as "part of the fantasy world", that the actors must overcome to survive physically or emotionally.
Oh, there will be some who will physically survive the war, but..." Jaenelle's voice broke.
If she saw there were signs of civilization, not only would she need people to help her survive physically, but also emotionally.
"He survived physically," said Andre X, 26.
"So even if they physically survived the earthquake, now they are finding major economic problems."
He survives but never physically recovers.