Three years after Young Tom's last victory, both his wife and first baby didn't survive childbirth, then he died suddenly at age 24.
Of the pregnant women who survived childbirth, over one-quarter (26%) lost the child.
Fourteen survived childbirth, and all but three are still in Georgia.
Many women did not survive childbirth, and individuals who reached old age were likely to succumb quickly to health problems.
There was no way she was going to survive childbirth.
Together with its partners they help mothers and infants survive childbirth.
My big question was how she survived a marathon and childbirth in one day.
You know so much about helping women survive childbirth.
Some of the methods included women being told their baby did not survive childbirth, or the outright purchase of a child.
Until recent years these fit and healthy children wouldn't have survived childbirth.