After one of his children survived a serious illness he also became interested in faith healing and spiritualism.
And Ensign Montenegro's father had survived a serious illness.
In 1633, however, after having survived a life-threatening illness (which he considered a sign from God), Le Royer decided to go ahead with his plan and answer his calling.
Before long, Guan Jin's father died, having survived a mysterious illness.
He changed his name at the age of 52 after surviving a severe illness.
Loomis's mother, Sallie, survived a serious pancreatic illness the previous year.
While Rose survives a dangerous illness, Nancy dies a brutal death.
Having survived a critical illness in February 2006, she never quite recovered, and became increasingly disabled.
She had lost the will to live, lost that extra bit of energy essential to surviving a life-threatening illness.
But I survived a deadly illness when I should have died.