As with many aspects of Norse paganism, remnants survive to this day amongst the Scandinavian peoples.
A stone-built traditional mill still survives amongst the more recent brick developments.
Feelings of humanity seem to survive much better amongst the powerless than among the affluent and powerful...
The tradition soon spread to college teams across the nation and survives amongst championship teams to this day.
If it survives a long period of time amongst its fans and critics only then will we understand the art as being significant.
He survived a year amongst the misery before making his decision.
Of the old buildings, few survived, amongst them the massive wine storage building, a concrete structure erected in 1912.
Plethon's own summary of the Nómoi also survived, amongst manuscripts held by his former student Bessarion.
They cited the example of Japan, which in the nineteenth century had faced a similar problem - how to survive amongst nations immeasurably more powerful than itself.
Self-respecting politicians want a society which survives, amongst other things, by loving its neighbour.