A survey of consumers has uncovered what may be a growing unease over the health of the American economy, an industry group said today.
There are also a number of places where archaeological surveys have uncovered older post churches.
A survey has just uncovered the fact that Johnny Depp is the actor you'd most like to watch a film with.
But every survey has uncovered deep concern about greater United States involvement.
Those large-scale surveys uncovered a strong link between the number and quality of relationships people reported and how long they lived.
An informal survey of people involved in baseball uncovered all sorts of different "heroes."
China also said that a nationwide survey did not uncover other companies using melamine in feed products.
A quick survey of the tour group uncovers an alien in our midst, a woman from Canada.
The survey uncovered a gap between what parents say they want and what schools deliver.
Excavations and surveys at the site have uncovered various finds and archaeological data.