In this study, researchers surveyed 577 women who were under 50 when they were first diagnosed with breast cancer.
Orsborn surveyed 100 women in the baby boomer group for The Silver Pearl.
They surveyed nearly 6,000 women, ages 30 to 90, with more than 40% of them reporting some degree of female incontinence.
Civic and colleagues surveyed 779 women, age 18-24, who reported recent condom use.
The researchers surveyed more than 2,000 women to try to determine the role of sexual relations, tampon use and douching in menstruation.
The company surveyed 8,000 women, from 15 years of age to 50 representing a cross section of women.
The magazine surveyed 800 women to find out what they wanted in their homes.
Researchers surveyed 493 women with stress urinary incontinence.
Deciding to do a bit of market research, Mrs. Gable and a friend surveyed 200 women about the problem.
Last year we surveyed 1,000 women and found that more than 50 percent said they were intimidated about buying consumer electronics.