A survey of 2000 teachers by The Guardian in 2011 cited a recurring reason for not enjoying the job.
The survey cited clear instances of potential conflicts.
Another survey cited suggests that all that checking-in may not be the employee's idea.
The survey cited reports that the military courts decide cases in minutes and refuse defendants the rights to lawyers.
The survey cited earlier also found that two out of three headache sufferers had not discussed environmental triggers with their doctors.
The survey cited factors such as price and consumer savvy.
A survey from 1986 cites that 61% of the Hungarian population described their position as hopeless or continually worsening.
An earlier survey cited 63 percent of business respondents as saying they favored the euro.
The survey cited individual cases around the world to illustrate different types of violations against children.
The survey also cited "subdued interest" among potential buyers of new homes.