The Sarojini class of watercraft are sea going, high speed, armed surveillance platform, capable of shallow water operations.
Its I-flashback surveillance platform relies only on web browsers to control.
Tiberian was one of the very few inhabited star systems in this entire region which had absolutely no surveillance platforms of any sort.
According to the surveillance platforms, it's just left atmosphere headed after them, but it's never going to catch up before the shooting starts.
The São Paulo and other surveillance platforms would find him in a snap.
In military reconnaissance and surveillance platforms, Mercury's systems process real-time radar, video and signals intelligence data.
We'd be almost useless as a surveillance platform.
It's still by far the best surveillance platform we've got.
The MD-500 is a highly effective aerial surveillance platform in border areas.
"One idea would be to put an airship 20 kilometers high as a surveillance platform and just have it stay in one place," he said.