No, this has nothing to do with your girlfriend surreptitiously recording you on a daily basis.
Kenwright did not need to be surreptitiously recorded for that to be common knowledge.
Beason wore a recording device to surreptitiously record his colleagues in the Alabama state senate.
Someone, probably a waiter, had hidden it there in order to surreptitiously record the orchestra, Salome on tambourine.
The advent of portable, relatively inexpensive, digital recorders has made it easy to surreptitiously record concerts.
It surreptitiously recorded the broadcasts from New York and replayed them at more convenient hours.
The idea of surreptitiously recording his passengers didn't come to Mr. Shannon until the album was almost complete, he said.
It included about 50 concerts that were never broadcast, but which were recorded surreptitiously by engineers supposedly testing their equipment.
But he warned that, outside of some niche applications, he saw potential problems with surreptitiously recording conversations, even innocuous ones.
Sometimes a lawyer surreptitiously records interviews with potential witnesses as insurance, in case the witnesses change their testimony in court.