Sometimes the boundaries have been deliberately blurred, for example when a satirical work of "conceptual art" (No Knife: a study in mixed media earth tones, number three) was surreptitiously added to a "serious" art gallery show at the List Visual Arts Center.
D'Arcy and Gosling, in their book, 'Abuse of Trust", claim that fellow prisoners (some of whom had allegedly been his victims) attributed his death to speed, which had supposedly been surreptitiously added to his food over a period of months.
Some thieves have surreptitiously added equipment to publicly accessible automatic teller machines; a fraudulent card stripe reader would capture the contents of the magnetic stripe while a hidden camera would sneak a peek at the user's PIN.
Infections via "drive-by" download are spread through the World Wide Web over HTTP and FTP when resources containing spurious keywords are indexed by legitimate search engines, as well as when JavaScript is surreptitiously added to legitimate websites and advertising networks.
They would need it, of course, for even if they did get out of the city in time to escape what was about to happen, the nasty little added images he'd just surreptitiously added to the snapshots would probably cast a pall over their sweet little relationship for years.
Though the show's promoters refuse to confirm it, U2 has been surreptitiously added to the bill, which also includes the Beastie Boys, Bjork, Noel Gallagher of Oasis, members of R.E.M., Foo Fighters, Biz Markie and Alanis Morissette.
It was initially said to be built one foot shorter out of respect for the IDS Center; however, in 2005, it was revealed that contractors had surreptitiously added 14 inches of height to Capella, therefore making it taller than the main roof of IDS Center.
He had weighed it on the Gavins' bathroom scale that morning and it checked out at twenty-eight pounds, but Baedecker was sure that someone had surreptitiously added a few bowling balls and an extensive rock collection to the load since then.
While the Wodenite recorded a message apologizing for thus cancelling his next appointment with Isis, explaining that he wished to savor the landscape and this was his last chance, his comrade had surreptitiously added a hiking outfit for Diana to the baggage.
Recently, a ground level plate was surreptitiously added noting he was a "Confederate General Staff Officer".