He stole a surreptitious look at the golden crown, and his eyes flashed with desire.
She watched as he glanced over his shoulder at the painting - a surreptitious look.
He shot a surreptitious look at her hands and noticed she was wearing no wedding or engagement ring.
I took a surreptitious look around me.
She'd been trying to get a surreptitious look at the various planes of the roof when he'd asked her where she was going just now.
Christine gave him a surreptitious look of encouragement, hidden from Khegh by her hair.
In both she was often viewed with suspicion, and her pictures have the surreptitious look of having been shot hastily and on the move.
While Ramsey was getting his own drink, Winter took a surreptitious look around.
Scarlett puffed on his pipe, and shot a surreptitious look at Vance.
Emma took a quick, surreptitious look down at her bikini top.