A painter and mystical poet, he painted in a surrealistic style filled with esotericism and spirituality.
Shapes and forms are done in a surrealistic style.
Her 1993 novel, Music for Glass Orchestra, garnered much critical acclaim for its wildly beautiful, surrealistic style.
He said he mixes everyday situations with a surrealistic style.
Biomechanical art (also called Biomech) is a surrealistic style of art that combines elements of machines with organics.
Wilson has often sought to fuse social criticism with a surrealistic, comic, style.
The surrealistic style, the use of mime and illusion, all make for a theatrical tour de force.
With its surrealistic style, it is perhaps closer to the work of Eugene Ionesco than to other plays by Beckett.
'Tell me, how would you describe the style - surrealistic?'
At this time he detached himself from a surrealistic style in favor of realism.