Seen through the eyes of the nameless narrator, the surrealistic images in the film help convey his descent into madness.
The eerie yellow glow gave the apparition a surrealistic image.
The only light now was the van's red flashers, turning the world ahead into a surrealistic image in pulsing-red monochrome.
Then it offers more fragmentary, faintly surrealistic images for the London home in which he loses his fortune.
The end result is a surrealistic image of everyday life.
An exhibition of large-scale surrealistic images depicting cows as superheroes and secret agents attempting to defend their species from human consumption.
There are young painters today whose surrealistic images aim toward a level of irony that the aging de Chirico would probably have admired.
The song's video makes heavy use of surrealistic images.
It is a surrealistic image that is both disturbing and laughable.
The almost surrealistic image, of a beautiful naked teenager with her feral-looking pet racoon, is stunning (Johnson).