Your gardening questions and answers along with Chris's surreal look at the week.
In the early light, the whole scene had a surreal look.
Act III's pranks and surreal look wear out their welcome.
The flicker of lights from a few of the cave openings that surrounded the valley, gave the entire landscape a surreal look.
Because of the preponderance of Americans, the crowd has a garish and surreal look about it.
Wavering light from torches in floor stands gave the low area a surreal look.
The reddish dawn gave the whole of the grasslands a surreal look.
The actinic light from the tank glanced off Captain Watanabe's face giving him a surreal look.
Chris South Your gardening questions answered, plus a surreal look at the week with Chris's guests.
Multicolored sun coming in through the stained-glass windows added a surreal look to the standoff.