Until now, markets have seemed remarkably unconcerned about such possibilities, but gold's surprising surge last week could signal that is changing.
A surprising surge in employment after three months of economic deterioration cut New Jersey's jobless rate to 7.4 percent.
Due to the much needed help, the Angels start to win games and make a surprising second-half surge to the top of their division.
Whether it also explains the equally surprising surge in menswear demand is less clear.
Some analysts said the surprising surge in producer prices might make the Federal Reserve less eager to cut interest rates.
The surprising surge seemed to pierce the economic pessimism that was prevalent in August, leaving investors thinking the economy might be ready to rebound.
For all of Bonds's surprising surge in home runs at an advanced age, he has never tested positive for steroids.
The latest surprising surge has the Knicks on the verge of one significant feat.
But I did feel a surprising surge of confidence, almost reassurance.
His body responded with a surprising surge of lust.