Elton Brand led the Clippers' surprising run to the playoffs.
Pittsburgh continued its surprising run by defeating Syracuse in overtime, 55-54, in last night's second semifinal.
But in a game when everything mattered, the most surprising run was the first, on the wild pitch by Clemens.
Williamson's surprising run for gold came to a crash, as Park continued to be nearly perfect.
The surprising run through the tournament has sent shivers all the way to the small campus on the eastern border of Washington state.
Another surprising run of misses from Federer there.
Penn State's surprising run carries the added wrinkle of Dunn's uncertain status beyond this season.
Aikman, at 6 feet 3 1/2 inches and 217 pounds, is a powerful drop-back passer with the ability to produce surprising runs.
The season was marked by the Patriots' surprising run to the Final Four.
But into the second half today, their surprising run to the playoffs seemed to be gaining even more momentum.