Your eye is constantly drawn across curved surfaces and around corners to unexpected views that lead you to make surprising connections.
'The premise of the book is simple - the surprising connections between seemingly random and unrelated 'things', looped around so you keep meeting your tail.
On the other hand, a deep theorem may be simply stated, but its proof may involve surprising and subtle connections between disparate areas of mathematics.
Life was often marked by synchronicities, surprising connections that seemed to be meaningful.
The choir, the piece and the composer have surprising connections.
Many topics are touched upon, often with surprising connections between them.
As it turns out, there is a very deep and surprising connection.
Mr. Brendel offered other surprising connections as well.
General topology also has some surprising connections to other areas of mathematics.
Together the 3 stories creates a collage and kaleidoscope of surprising and electrifying human connections that give life to the city.