He's given up washing his hair and just dyes it instead, his skin has been surgically replaced with grey rubber, and his eyes!
In 2000 he had both knees surgically replaced.
A few individuals have lived longer than 1,512 days but with two artificial hearts, having the first surgically replaced due to failure or wear.
In most cases, the tubes fall out in six to nine months and, if an infection problem recurs, they would have to be surgically replaced.
Cardiac's heart has been surgically replaced with a compact beta-particle reactor, which grants Cardiac power.
Batteries in the generator last about 5 years and can be replaced surgically.
The shunt failed and had to be replaced surgically (as depicted in the season one episode "Zach's Emergency").
His right eye was surgically replaced with a cybernetic one.
They felt like they had been surgically replaced by steel cables.
In certain cases, the pulmonary valve may be surgically replaced.