There was the peasant skirt I bought at Calypso after the first surgical consultation, the Ralph Lauren cable cashmere cardigans I bought after the third.
Dr. Safonov was called in for a surgical consultation and performed an anastomosis, a procedure that reconnected a section of the colon.
He started Lifestyle Lift in 2001 with one office and has grown it to over 50 surgical, consultation and affiliated offices with more than 100 physicians.
In minutes he arranged a surgical consultation and by evening my appendix was removed.
Mr. Harden said Sloan-Kettering anticipated about 35,000 visits to the Commack clinic, which handles screening, diagnosis, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgical consultations.
An infant suspected of having pyloric stenosis would usually be assessed by a house officer in the casualty department and then referred for a surgical consultation.
Pre-operative preparation begins immediately following surgical consultation and lasts approximately one month.
I was just recently called in to provide surgical consultation on a patient in the hospital with a metastatic cancer that is at end stage.
Except for surgery, Mr. Harden said, the new center will have a full range of services including therapy, diagnostic radiology, education programs, surgical consultations and some clinical trials.
An immediate surgical consultation was sought and the patient was managed jointly with the surgical team.