Dr. Edgar Housepian, the surgeon named in the suit, denied any wrongdoing.
Lansac tries to force a surgeon named Rohmer (Howard Vernon) to perform a transplant on her.
His wife left him in 1736, for a surgeon named Patrick Anderson, and he divorced her the following year.
A surgeon named Fisher is looking for a guinea pig so he can attempt an experimental procedure in cosmetic surgery.
The detectives learn that Mullaly's next-door neighbor, a surgeon named Evan Fleming, has an eight-year-old daughter.
The trail led me to a surgeon named William Loxner, who had a practice right here on Durward.
Megure starts by telling Kogoro of a surgeon named Jinno that was murdered.
In the summer of 1994, a surgeon named J. Bruce Moseley found himself engaged in an elaborate form of make-believe.
I was engaged to a surgeon named Hank.
Eric Stoltz has turned up on "Chicago Hope" as a surgeon named Robert Yeats, whose poetic name is no accident.