However, this is a matter of semantics, as many surgeons who are thoroughly involved in treating cancer patients may consider themselves to be surgical oncologists.
Many surgeons consider smoking to be an absolute contraindication to spinal surgery.
The surgeon considered amputation but decided against it and Mynn was able to resume his cricket career in July 1838.
Many surgeons, patients and their families consider living-donor surgery a godsend, because it has saved lives of patients on the waiting list.
Your surgeon will also consider the condition of the entire knee, your age, and any age- or injury-related degeneration.
Some surgeons consider 70% epithelial margin acceptable, while others suggest 100% margin.
The surgeon pursed his lips and considered.
For these women, the asymmetry is sufficiently different that a surgeon would consider corrective surgery.
The surgeon considered for a minute.
Some surgeons consider bilateral prophylactic mastectomy to be overly aggressive treatment except for certain high-risk cases.