In less than two hours, both surgeons had successfully completed their first surgeries using the new technique.
The surgical procedure is now so refined a skilled surgeon - with small hands - can complete the operation through a very small incision.
The surgeon, who had learned the laparoscopic technique in a one-day seminar, completed the operation before recognizing the source of bleeding.
The surgeons completed their work.
The first questionnaire was sent three months after the surgeons completed the courses; 181 doctors, or 61 percent of all 297 participants, responded.
My personal surgeon has completed a full examination, Chieh Hsia.
Vascular surgeons have generally completed 5 years of surgical training and an additional 1 to 2 years of fellowship training.
When the Emperor had finished speaking, the surgeon returned and completed the amputation.
Later, he reasoned, surgeons would complete their repair.