Plastic surgeons commonly advise their patients to massage hardened implants daily.
The surgeon advised having something called J-pouch surgery.
But the surgeons advise against removing wisdom tooth buds in children, since it is not possible to predict with certainty how the teeth will eventually be positioned.
Your plastic surgeon will advise you about showering, bathing and wound care.
The surgeon should advise on how soon the patient can resume normal activity.
Fortunately, she had not perforated, but the surgeon advised me that if this had gone another hour or two, she would have.
The surgeon advised her, in that case, to have a mastectomy rather than a more limited procedure.
The surgeon may advise you to shower before the surgery, then avoid showering for a day or two afterward to avoid getting water in the eye.
Plastic surgeons advise patients that body shaping is not an obesity operation.
His left arm was severely injured in a football accident, to the extent that surgeons advised amputation.