Technology stocks, and those sensitive to swings in interest rates surged higher.
Serious injuries were estimated at more than 500,000, and officials who warned of the threat of epidemics said the numbers could surge much higher.
The stock closed yesterday at $50.25, up 62.5 cents a share, on a day that the market surged higher.
The sea was becoming mountainous, the waves already surging higher than his head, and much higher nearer the storm.
Hope surged higher when he learned that the rock formation extended less than six inches below floor level!
Precious metals futures prices surged higher yesterday, tethered once again to the movements in the value of the dollar.
They were reaching for the ship, heaving angrily, surging higher and higher.
The yacht's booster separated and it surged higher.
In contrast, with spot gold prices soaring still further, gold stocks once again surged higher.
Driven by the heaviest trading volume in three years, stocks surged sharply higher yesterday.