The surge coincided with a sharp upturn in the soybean oil pit on news of strong vegetable oil demand from India.
Police say that a surge of stray-bullet shootings has coincided with the proliferation of such weapons on city streets.
The surge has also coincided with an intensification of Colombia's decades-old war against leftist guerrillas, with each fueling the other.
The monthlong surge by the Mets coincides with Baerga's resurgence.
Further north, the surge coincided with several days of high tides and a lunar tide, causing significant flooding and beach erosion.
That surge coincided with a deep decline in the rate of return on physical assets, especially in manufacturing.
The surge of extremism coincides with aborigines' success in regaining land taken by colonists or winning compensation for it.
And the second surge, the one near the airlock, had coincided roughly with the end of the assault.
The latest surge coincided with the return of Mike Cameron from left wrist surgery and tendinitis Thursday.
His surge in the polls coincides with a rise in the number of Americans expressing confidence in the economy.