He is something of the "surfer" boy, speaking usually in a Southern California accent.
He laughed, and suddenly he was transformed into a blond surfer boy with smiling eyes.
Even the surfer boys fought this summer for space in the waves.
They were watching the Masters because, as they frankly admitted, they wanted to meet some surfer boys.
I just tell them: 'I'm like that surfer boy.
Do you want for me to go out there and get one of the surfer boys to paddle over and see for us?
He's my blonde headed stompie-wompie real gone surfer boy, Little Pattie, 1963.
He looked like a cross between a surfer boy and a palomino pony.
They do not know much about him beyond the fact that he is a laid-back surfer boy from Northern California.
The devil in the guise of a surfer boy?