This leads to excessive surface run-off that needs to be captured and retained.
Its waters provide the primary sources of drinking-water (a small reservoir collect surface run-off) to the area and electricitiy to the island of Madeira.
The steep valley sides, and the saturated surface ensured a high amount of surface run-off.
If the surface is impermeable the precipitation will create surface run-off which will lead to higher risk of flooding.
The Lčovice train station was servilely damaged, due to the surface run-off from the hillside above.
You may be able to discharge surface run-off directly to a foul sewer or combined sewer.
The constructed wetland is an artificial marshes or swamps, created to process waste water, surface run-off or to treat natural sewage.
Four of them broke 100-year high-water records, causing excessive surface run-off.
If possible, direct the surface run-off from your vehicle washing area to an on-site treatment system.
The lake is designed to take surface run-off from Milton Keynes, the largest of a number designed to do so.