"Carlotta will surely sense the use of any spells."
Sereth, surely sensing my melancholy, led me gently from the field.
And thus he sensed quickly and surely the ugly, gaping tear in the fabric of life that indicated that a human wizard was at work.
She did not want to encounter any of her colleagues, who would surely sense, even before they saw her face, that she had been through a terrible ordeal.
Haralachan and Rualath, my clans Lord and his consort, will surely sense anyone's attempt to work magic against them.
She'd have surely sensed the other woman.
If we stay long enough, he'll surely sense us and raise the alarm.
The drafters of Labour's manifesto must surely sense that their party's embracing of the feminist cause, as defined by a tiny, vociferous group of feminist leaders, is in direct contradiction to their stated belief in individual liberty, not to mention the beliefs of ordinary women.
Danica's hand shot out to the side like a biting snake, fingers clenching about something she could not see, but could surely sense, an instant before the barbed tail could snap at her.
Aware that his eyes were boring into the old man's back, and that Joe would surely sense it, Toy sloughed off the lethargy of the room and pressed himself back into action.