That surely ranks as top of the list for being idiotic.
If Carter isn't the slowest 49er, he surely ranks among the top five.
"Border Music" must surely rank as one of the most dreadful novels to come along in a long time.
OF all the challenges in marriage, starting a business together surely ranks as one of the trickiest.
These expositions surely rank among the world's greatest department stores.
Last night's surely ranked among his better performances.
In what will surely rank as one of the century's great medical triumphs, a dreadful scourge is coming under control.
These are by no means the only companies making speakers of remarkable musical veracity, but their products would surely rank among the best.
No. 7 Squadron subsequently made two more successful interceptions, one of which must surely rank as the war's most bizarre combat.
In the iconography of tourism, these must surely rank as "firsts."