For Behold, should this meeting pass without our choosing, all that was, is and shall be must surely perish.
So let us cast him into a cave of our own mountains, where he will surely perish.
Unless he can find his way back underground, he will surely perish.
"Oh, he surely perished when Tramontana burned, for he was never seen again."
He might not kill her body, but without him, her ka would surely perish.
Otherwise you will surely perish before the day is out.
"Those which cannot shall surely perish because that is the cold, harsh reality of globalization."
Otherwise, our Family will surely perish, trapped in this area with too little food and far too little land.
"If you leave here now, you will surely perish," She could not see his mouth moving, there was so much darkness within the house.
For if you do, the Margravine and all her people will surely perish.