But if this is correct, the critics ask, then what becomes of the objective reality that surely exists all around us?
We have wondered if the humans, who must surely exist on other planets than this, are the same.
It must surely exist, if Groot has come and gone from there.
Certainly, there are others to be named in this context and surely there exists more detailed material on the history of order theory.
Although not mentioned in the conversations, other names surely exist.
They surely existed: Verizon has not even been able to estimate when service will be restored to some of its downtown customers.
Other versions of him surely still existed, even if they happened to be at the far edge of the universe.
It surely exists only in the utter abandonment of his personal projects.
But minimalism, like the color orange, surely existed long before there was a name for it.
While spasticity surely existed before that point, Little was the first person to medically record the condition in writing.