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And saying you might run is a surefire way to get free attention.
A surefire way to make good money is by getting a college degree, right?
Every guy needs a surefire way to get a girl to smile.
The surefire way to hurt your back is to use it.
It's a not a surefire way to find an opening, but it only has to work once.
These are surefire way to spur the economy like you have never seen.
Because that's a surefire way to lose an election that should be there for the taking.
She needed to be careful, and the most surefire way to do that was to keep her distance.
This is a surefire way to be the popular parent on your block.
Is there any surefire way for removing all radiation from water?
That's the surefire way to kill chemistry in a scene.
There is no surefire way of making the cut.
If you were a civil servant, the only surefire way to stay out of trouble was to say no.
Surefire way to get something screwed up, make her look like an idiot.
The comfortable armchair was a surefire way to put him to sleep.
One surefire way to get on the list is to do a wacky pose.
Small water features are a surefire way to give your space a little something extra without necessarily spending a lot of money.
Here's a surefire way to get and keep the attention of your audience: put on a soap opera.
Lucky for you, there are some surefire ways to get started on the path to relaxation.
It's a surefire way to up your fat and calorie intake.
One surefire way is for the police to launch tear gas into a crowd.
So that's a surefire way to chill a lot of other people from asking for things later."
There are, however, several surefire ways to short-circuit such an inquiry.
"Oh, great," he muttered, pain being another surefire way to get his heart racing.